Pain sucks

The last 3 nights have been not good for me. Afternoon starts with pain coming on in my back that only seems to increase as the night goes on. My usual dose ain’t cutting it. Late at night I’ve had to double up to get any releif. This morning I feel pretty good. No pain. Mornings have been my favorite for a while now but now more than ever I like the morning. Coffee, a smoke, some internet radio, the dogs, a record, and a fire always feels good.

Today I see the doctor. It’s going to be all about pain management. No more chemo for me. If I can get a handle on this pain I will be good.

Sami Yaffa reached out in response to my tweet to him about the Michael Monroe show in Sellersville PA and said he would hook me up. Feb 16th is the show. Waiting to hear from the venue for front row seats. We’ll see.

BMF Morning







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Music, love, life.

2 thoughts on “Pain sucks”

  1. It was the worst week for you so far and it’s been so hard to see you suffer it. But you held tough and Saturday was wonderful. I feel so helpless in all this. All I really can do is love you and stay the course. I can never imagine a world without you.

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