Dudes – The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album Cassette

Dudes – The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album – Cassette

Yesterday evening I got really frustrated and mad. I don’t want to feel this way ever again, It makes me feel sick and terrible and hurts the person I love most in the world. Not good. In my anger I walked into the shed and slammed the door and in doing so made a few cassettes I had on a shelf fall off. One that fell was this tape “Dudes” the soundtrack to an obscure movie from 1987. I had the cassette case on the shelf but for some time have been unable to find the actual tape. There on the floor laid the tape. Where did it come from? Did my anger make it come out of hiding? Was this some kind of sign telling me to cool it? I had searched diligently for the tape and given up on more than one occasion. Why are you making yourself found now, at this moment? It was probably sitting right in front of my eyes all this time but I say this has meaning, stop getting angry. Cancer sucks and fucks your brain thinking. I gotta get my brain right. On the surface I think I have it right. Now I gotta get my gut brain right. I have fucking cancer. Maybe this tape is what I need to hear right now. Each day I try to find a cd or record to hear to make my brain feel good. This is it. This is my cancer tape. Lol. Ok enough about that, this is a cool fucking tape!

First off there is an awesome cover of “Rock and Roll Outlaw by Keel. Keel was awesome. Then there is one of our favorites, “Urban Struggle” by the Vandals, which is likely the first time I discovered this song was on this soundtrack, later to be on about every mix cd I made for a while. ‘I want to be a cowboy!, Sometimes I think I’m Clint Eastwood!…..’,great words and song. Then WASP does their classic “Show no Mercy”, awesome shit by Blackie Lawless. Next up is Simon Steele & the Claw doing “Vengeance is mine”, what a cool band name and cool song!. It keeps getting better with Megadeth doing a blistering cover of “These boots are made for Walkin”. Lesser known Legal Weapon and The Leather Nun are up next with songs that are not fillers but cool and fit it perfectly.  Next is Janes Addition with the best version of Mountain Song you will hear on any record. The Little Kings and Charles Berstein are next with the latter doing “Dudes Showdown. Steve Vai end this awesome ride of alt and metal gems with “Amazing Grace”.

Wow, I m grateful I found this tape and plan to hear it today loud and proud. I am not getting angry anymore. I will talk out my frustrations if I have any. I want to be happy! I want to have fun! I want to immerse myself in all this awesome music and music stuff we have and just love it the way I have loved gathering, saving, collecting and sorting it all along the way of life. Now, it’s time to enjoy it all.


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80’s Punk Rock Morning

listening to an 80’s punk rock internet radio station this morning on the new receiver. Nice. Got up this morning feeling almost excited to weigh in sure that I was going to see a pound more but instead lost a half pound. Downer. But, I am not gonna give up. I ate toast, cereal, and some oj. Will make myself drink a shake in a few. Feeling good. Cold as hell outside. Some work to do this morning, gotta get the mini figured out (battery), food for tonight, and hopefully some fun. 80’s punk is my favorite. Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Blondie, Suicidal Tendancies, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, it’s all good.



Cirith Ungol – Frost and Fire

Cirith Ungol – Frost and Fire

Today on my way out I grabbed two CDs for the road and this was one. I had re-discovered this band about a year ago listening to old mix tapes I had made in the 90’s. The song was “I’m Alive” and when I heard it I was in amazement of the vocals, music and feel of the song, but I couldn’t remember who it was. After a couple of days I finally tracked the band name down. How did I come about putting this amazing song on a cassette in 1994? I decided I must have discovered it from a Metal Blade sampler at the time.

The song “I’m Alive” has great lyrics, crunchy guitars that rip and are epic and just an overall great listen. Today I listened to the Frost and Fire cd start to finish. Very cool. There is a guitar only track half way through that seems like it doesn’t belong on the cd as it begins slow acoustic almost amateurish basement/bedroom recording but it grows into a monster but holds that lo fi quality to it all the while.  The band is known for its sword and sorcery style lyrics and style but this, their debut is closer to a hybrid of 70’s hard rock and metal.

The title track is epic in one sense but all Rock and has a catch to it. The whole record is good. These guys were a little ahead of their time. The cd ends with “Cirith Ungol” played live.

When I am gone someday, add this to my ‘play on my behalf’ playlist.

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Bad Brains – I Against I

Bad Brains – I Against I

Released in ’86 on SST records this is one of the most influential punk/genre bending records of all time. Combining funk, reggae and punk it is an amazing listen. This is my favorite Bad Brains record. The vocals on the title track amaze and excite me every time I hear it. Pure fury, speed and talent. “Sacred Love” a great song in its own right, is more cool when you factor in the vocals were recorded over a pay phone from prison where H.R. was serving time for a pot charge. The musicianship will astound you, the raw punk feel will amaze you and the vocal craftsmanship will leave you in awe. This is a must have top 10 record for anyone who wants to understand punk at its best.

On a personal note, I got to meet Earl Hudson at a local Atlanta ‘live’ talk show where he was a guest and that I also did the sound design for the show as well…..of course I had some Bad Brains on it but also added some Bad Brains covers.

Bad Brains








The Slits – In the Beginning – Picture Disc

The Slits – In the Beginning – Picture Disc

Formed in ’76 the Slits were considered avant-garde punk. Their ’79 debut album “Cut” is considered  a defining release of the post-punk era. They opened for the Clash on the White Riot tour in ’77 alongside the Buzzcocks. They reformed many times always with Johnny Rottens step daughter, Ari Up on lead vocals. Ari Up died in 2010 shortly after recording a new album with the Slits. This record features a song with Nenah Cherry who joined the group briefly in ’79.




The Sid Vicious Experience – Jack Boots & Dirty Looks

The Sid Vicious Experience – Jack Boots & Dirty Looks – Limited edition white vinyl 87 of 500 printed – Live at the Electric Ballroom 8/15/78

Cool limited colored vinyl of Sids last show in England before heading to America and his untimely death. Glen Matlock on bass. Steve New on guitar. Rat Scabies on drums. Great record. Great inner sleeve.

Sid Vicious







The Sid Vicious Experience – Jack Boots & Dirty Looks

The Sid Vicious Experience – Jack Boots & Dirty Looks – Limited edition red vinyl 221 of 500 printed – Live at the Electric Ballroom 8/15/78

Cool limited colored vinyl of Sids last show in England before heading to America and his untimely death. Glen Matlock on bass. Steve New on guitar. Rat Scabies on drums. Great record. Great inner sleeve.

Sid Vicious





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Iggy Pop – Zombie Birdhouse

Iggy Pop – Zombie Birdhouse

Released in 1982, recorded on 16 track at Blank Tape Studios. Chris Stein of Blondie played guitar and produced the record. Clem Burke of Blondie played drums. Many consider this record to be Iggy’s experimental release of the 80’s. Lots of poetic free-associative lyrics/words with droning synthesizers, Afro style beats. Many say this was Iggy’s most ambitious failure but the album has legendary status as an oddity. Glad we own it.

Iggy Pop Zombie Birdhouse





