Hell Day

Monday was a bad day. Over the weekend i felt great like almost normal. I was looking forward to getting up early Monday and starting my day. I woke up nauseous feeling. I had severe fever symptoms with upper body chills that lasted all through the day and night. I was never able to feel warm. I was achy to the point of never feeling comfort. I stayed in bed most of the day and night. Chemo had reared its after effects again, even weeks after my last treatment. I never would have gone back for a second round had I known this could happen. Come to find out the drugs can stay in your system for 2 months following. I sweated it out sometime in the night and woke up yesterday much better. I was still weak but not chilling or sick feeling. Today I am even better. Pouring down rain this morning. Thunder upsetting the girls. Lots of work to do but it will get done. Meeting with someone today that may be able to make days like Monday easier. I don’t want to do the things that remind me my time could be near. I want to do things that remind me I am me and I’m alive.
